Today's episode is about Open Source. And who is better to talk about it than an industry all-star panel! This episode is part of our MasterTips series, which include tips from industry leaders. It is a panel discussion from the Future Developer Summit, an exclusive event for developer marketing industry leaders. The discussion focuses on Open Source software and contributions, from the following industry all-stars:
Chris DiBona, Director of Open Source at Google,
Nithya Ruff, Executive Director of OSPO at Comcast,
Stormy Peters, Director of Open Source Office at Microsoft
And the panel moderator: Sam Ramji, CTO at DataStax
Some of the topics they discussed are:
How does your company decide when to contribute to Open Source?
Are there projects from hobbyists that drive major company contributions?
How can we open up Open Source?
Should we include non-developers in Open Source for content and use-cases?
What job title will help you be more successful in OSPO? Do you really need a title?
All these questions answered in our latest episode.
Don’t worry that you missed the event. You can watch all sessions on-demand at
